A back to basics thought experiment about blended learning
By Anders Norberg (Education Strategist, Campus Skellefteå, Sweden ) Imagine yourself as a teacher with virtually no media in a face-to-face teaching environment in an isolated part of the world. You have 30 students who are going to learn x. You have them all under a tree. You have nothing but your knowledge and your students—no Internet,... Continue reading A back to basics thought experiment about blended learning >>
Interesting Link
Worth checking out… Six Models of Blended Learning from Michael Horn of Innosight Institute, as described by the itslearning Post blog. There is also a free webinar available for viewing. Report on K-12 Blended Learning (The Rise of K-12 blended learning: Profiles of emerging models): http://www.innosightinstitute.org/innosight/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/The-Rise-of-K-12-Blended-Learning.pdf Continue reading Interesting Link >>
Is blended the same as half-distance?
By Anders Norberg (Education Strategist, Campus Skellefteå, Sweden ) A common description of “blended learning” is combination of face-to-face and distance education practises, or methods, or tools, or content, or cultures….well, a combination of two existing concepts anyway. Perhaps also a meeting of the traditional and the new, of the ordinary in education and the project based.... Continue reading Is blended the same as half-distance? >>
MOOC Round 2!
Dive Into Blended Learning! The University of Central Florida (UCF) announces the second offering of its popular MOOC (massive open online course) for blended learning faculty and designers: BlendKit2012. Based around the open-licensed BlendKit Course instructional materials contained within the http://BlendedLearningToolkit.org web site, BlendKit2012 will run as a five-week cohort (from Monday, September 24 to... Continue reading MOOC Round 2! >>
BlendKit2015: Becoming a Blended Learning Designer
By Linda S. Futch (Department Head, Center for Distributed Learning, University of Central Florida) The next offering of BlendKit 2015: Becoming a Blended Learning Designer begins on Februrary 23, 2015, with a 30-minute orientation session at 2:00 p.m. (US EDT; -4 UTC) and lasts five weeks. The open course will be offered at no cost. ... Continue reading BlendKit2015: Becoming a Blended Learning Designer >>
It’s that time of year again! Enroll into BlendKit 2016!
Starting February 22, Join Rohan and Baiyun as we kickoff BlendKit 2016 – Learn more and enroll here: https://www.canvas.net/courses/becoming-a-blended-learning-designer-2/. Continue reading It’s that time of year again! Enroll into BlendKit 2016! >>
Welcome to the Morning Blend
By Thomas Cavanagh (Assistant Vice President, Distributed Learning, University of Central Florida) Welcome to the Morning Blend, our occasional blog dedicated to exploring the many facets of blended learning. As time goes on, we hope to use this space to create a forum for ideas related to blended learning from the leading thinkers—both domestic and... Continue reading Welcome to the Morning Blend >>