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About the BlendKit Course
The BlendKit Course is a set of subject matter neutral, open educational resources related to blended learning and available for self-study or for group use. Periodically, these materials will also be used as the basis for a facilitated open, online course. Get on the mailing list to stay informed about BlendKit developments, including information on the next facilitated cohort.
The BlendKit Reader has been compiled as a scholarly complement to the hands-on development tasks involved in building a blended learning course. While individuals may certainly find value in engaging with these readings as a solitary exercise, the readings are perhaps best suited for use as a basis for discussion with interested colleagues. A reading schedule, reflection/discussion questions, and an associated set of learning activities are provided to facilitate effective use of the reader. Multiple versions of the BlendKit Reader are provided below in anticipation of differing preferences for online or offline reading.
Online Versions

Photo tweeted by Byron Roush during first week of BlendKit2011
Multiple HTML Files
- Understanding Blended Learning [html file]
- Blended Interactions [html file]
- Blended Assessments of Learning [html file]
- Blended Content and Assignments [html file]
- Quality Assurance in Blended Learning [html file]
Printer-Friendly Versions
Complete BlendKit Reader as single PDF file [pdf file; size=628kb]
Multiple PDF Files
- Understanding Blended Learning [pdf file; size=169 kB]
- Blended Interactions [pdf file; size=134 kB]
- Blended Assessments of Learning [pdf file; size=132 kB]
- Blended Content and Assignments [pdf file; size=231 kB]
- Quality Assurance in Blended Learning [pdf file; size=124 kB]
E-Reader Versions
Complete BlendKit Reader in ePub format [epub file; size=361kb]
Complete BlendKit Reader in Kindle format [mobi file; size=179kb]